
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Haul: My first OPI

The first time I'm doing a haul. I always like watching videos of hauls so I thought, why not a non-video haul. If you like hauls and if this article gets enough viewer I might post more often hauls but I think people want more tutorials than what this article is about. Well.. I'll see.

Last week I went shopping in another city, which is actually something I normally don't do. I always go shopping in my own town and at the nearest mall.
I went shopping in Den Haag. One of the cities in the Netherlands that has a Sephora. So, for me it was also my first time at Sephora. And man! I was so excited to go there. Stupid as I am we went there at the end of the day. So there was little time for me and my friend to look around and buy stuff. The only thing I got were two nailpolishes from OPI. And again was I excited. Just because I bought my first OPI nailpolishes! (In my town or anywhere near they don't sell this nailpolishbrand.) And lucky me, I got two OPI topcoats for free! So actually I got one OPI polish for the same price as a China Glaze.

The colors are Hearts & Tarts and Princesses Rule! Both a nude to light pinkish color.
I will post a review and swatches of them later this week.

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