
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Update: I'm back again!

Yes, I'm back..

Actually, I got back home a week ago.

Before I left I blogged about the things I planned to do for the past few weeks. Well, I can tell you I all went better than my expectation. I described my days here on my blog and the days went just the way I described them. The only thing that was different was the time.

I woke up every day at 8:45 am, to take a shower and get ready for the day. At 10:00 we had breakfast with the whole team. After breakfast, till 10:30, we all had to clean the house because at 10:30 we had to be ready to load the bus with all the stuff we needed for that day(the meet and greet with Spongebob or Dora and for the show that evening).
Around the clock of 11:00/11:15 we left the house towards the campsite for the meet and greet. When we arrived at the campsite we dropped two of our group off so the rest could dive further to the next campsite. At 3:00 pm we arrived at the next campsite. At every campsite we had to look for different locations for our show. We had to improvise a lot. Playing outside wasn't an option because of the bad weather, also because most campsites don't have a theatre inside next to their amphitheatre.
When we finally had the "perfect" location we all had to set up every thing we needed for the show. (Between the set up and dinner we also had to pick up the people who did the meet and greet.) Before dinner we wanted to have everything done so we could still practice some acts after dinner. 
The show started at 8:00 pm and ended at 10:15. After the show we had to cleanup and put everything back in the bus. When everything was loaded into the bus we drove back to our house. We never got back earlier than 00:45 am.

Instead of three show we actually had two. The first show was a musical highlightshow with different acts from 16 different musical. Musicals such as; Mary Poppins, The Wizz, High School Musical, Fame and Hairspray. We had 13 acts with a lot of dancing on a very high level. The other acts weren't that intensive.
The other show was a Eurovision Songcontestshow. A show with 11 acts from different countries who ever participated the Eurovision Songcontest. This show wasn't that spectacular or intensive(it got booked 3 times!).

Ik had a really great and fun time, it's an experience I will never forget. I've seen almost my whole country in just a few weeks, but most important; I've got some new friends. If I get the option to do this work again next summer I definitly will do it again!
(I actually want to show you some photos, but I can't because I only have pictures with the name of the company on it and I'm not alloud to show the pics with that name. Sorry!) 

So, now I'm back. Nothing will change a lot around here. I still will post an article every week. I might respond more to comments than before, only I can't do this with my Google account. I don't know what happend but I can't login when I want to comment, so I'm just going to comment with name/url.

That's it! I've nothing more to say.. I hope you had a great summer too and till my next article!

xoxo Stephanie

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