
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tag: Holiday

Merry Christmaseve everyone! If it's already Christmaseve, the day of Christmaseve or even the first day of Christmas. Hope you have a great day and evening. Today I have for you the holiday tag! Just some random Christmas question that I will be awnsering. There are a lot of holiday tag editions, I got the one with the most questions. Hope you like it!

Favorite Christmas movie?
I don't really know, there are many Christmas movies. Probably Home Alone, the first movie, but I don't watch it every year because it gets kinda boring. I also like Love Actually and The Polar Express.

Are you on the naughty list or the nice list?
I'm kinda bitchy lately, haha. So yeah..

Show us an embarrassing Christmas card photo!
Honestly, I don't have an Christmas card photo. As a kid, till a couple years ago, I never wanted anyone take a picture of me. Not even for Christmas. So I don't have any photo of me during the holiday.

Have you ever had a White Christmas?
Yes, and it was my first! We've had a white Christmas last year. It was the first white Christmas after more than 30 years! You couldn't just get out the door on Christmas day because the snow was 30 centimeter high!

Where do you usually spend your holiday?
At my parents house, where I live. I always spend the first Christmasday at my grandma's place from my dads side of the family. I only see her once or twice a year. On the second day of Christmas my favorite grandma, from my moms side of the family, comes to our place and then we'll open our presents we got of each other.

Play or Sing your favorite Christmas Song!
All I want for Christmas is youuuu.. baby! (I'm singing it right now, maybe next year live!)

Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
No, we wait till the second day of Christmas!

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Dasher, Dancer, Rudolph.. Haha, that's all I can remember of all the reindeers.

Have you ever made a gingerbread house?
No, but I just got these two gingerbread house kits. I got one for myself and one for my little brother. I both wrapped them and they're now under our Christmastree.
What holiday tradition are you looking forward to most this year?
Everything that is related to Christmas!

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Our tree is fake! We've had a real one for years but sweeping the floor everyday is a lot of work, plus you never get an perfect tree such as an fake Christmastree.

Hands down, what's your all-time favorite holiday food and holiday sweet treat?
I don't really have an all time favorite holiday food, because I always eat french fries when we got out to dinner, which we do with Christmas. I don't really like a lot of food, I'm a real sweettooth. But my favorite holiday sweet treat is chocolate Christmas wreath with sprinkles!

Be Honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
I like giving presents. Honest! I love shopping. I think I'm a shopaholic. That doesn't mean I don't like receiving gifts, I do, but I love buying gifts for others more.

Show us your tackiest Christmas attire (ex: Ugly Sweater).
I just purchased one! I wanted to get the ultimate wintery Christmas sweater and found one at H&M. You might think it's ugly, but I love it! I wish I made a picture to show you.
What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
New York! I've heard NYC is amazing during the holiday season. Or London sounds good too!

Does your family have a special holiday recipe you like to help make?
We don't really have a special recipe..

Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?
I am a pro-present wrapper!!! I learned to wrap presents when I was a little kid. I couldn't stand, and still can't, looking at a present that looks awefull in its wrapper! I even fold the little parts at the back of the present.

Most memorable Holiday moment?
I have a memorable moment that isn't that cute at all. We've had rabbit for dinner like 10 years ago, I cried the whole evening because I didn't wanted to eat it because it reminded me of my own bunny when I was 4 years old.

What made you realize the truth about Santa?
Never believed in Santa Claus because Santa is "made up"and derived from our Dutch Sinterklaas(Saint Nicolas). In our country Santa is just a man, that doesn't excist. I believed in Sinterklaas till I was 8 years of age.

Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?
Yes, I always make them! I always write them down in the first week, stick to them maybe for one or two months and then I don't like my resolution, lose my list of resolutions or just forget them..

What makes the Holidays special for you?
The atmosphere, family being together, the love, presents, happy Christmassongs.. everything!

Hope you liked my holiday tag! Tomorrow, on the first day of Christmas I will show you my Christmas nails for this year. Have a nice day and I'll see you tomorrow!