
Thursday, January 24, 2013

24th Birthday and Get To Know Me Tag

Happy Birthday to me!! Today it's my 24th Birthday. I didn't wanted to forget my birthday and just skip it on my blog. I also didn't wanted to just post a Birthday nail of the day. So instead, the get to know me tag! I know there are a lot of different 'Get To Know Me'-tags, so I just picked out a couple questions I liked and made my own. :D

1. What is your date of birth?
24th of Januari 1989.

2. Where were you born?
In a town called Eindhoven in the Netherlands.

3. Do you have any siblings?
I have one younger brother Nick, he's 21.

4. How tall are you/what is your height?
I'm 5"2 or 1.57m. I know, I'm not the tallest person, but that's fine with me.

5. What is your natural hair color?
My natural hair color is dark brown, but I always dye my hair.

6. Eye color?

7. Single or relationship?

8. Celebcrush?
Haha. I've always liked Orlando Bloom very much.

9. Do you have your driving license?
Yes. I got it when I was 18. At that moment the age to legally get your licence. I think it's now 17.

10. What are your hobbies?
I love acting, dancing and singing, but my blog is also a huge hobby of mine.

11. Describe yourself in three words.
Spontaneous, honest and crazy.

12. What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid to grow up old and lonely. I used to be very claustrofobic but I think I'm far over that fear. The thing I'm most afraid of are spiders.

13. Are you a morning or evening person?
Evening. When I need to do any work for school I'm the most productive in the evening.

14. Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
Heavy. I sleep through every single noise. Fun fact; A couple years ago I slept at my grandma's place. There was a huge raid with hand grenades in an elementary school around the corner that night. Almost all windows in the neighbourhood got broken because of the explosion. My grandma and I? We both slept through the noise and got to hear and see about the accident the morning after.

15. Are you organised or messy?
I could be very organised but most of the time I'm just messy.

16. Healthfreak?
When I want too. Haha. No.

17. Would you say your shy?
Not really. I feel very comfortable in front of people, or on stage. That's also part of my study and my future job, speaking in front of people, because I'm going to school to become a teacher.

18. Would you ever want to have kids?
Yes, I love children and would be very blessed to have kids myself one day.

19. Do you ever want to get married?
If I have a boyfriend I would definitly want to be connected with eachother in front of the law. Not just in front of the law, I want everything; a beautiful dress and a big party to celebrate the wedding with friends and family. Only destiny hasn't given me a boyfriend yet.

20. What is your goal in life?
Pass on life the way I think is best for life to give it through.


21. Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?
No. I did had glasses and contacts a couple years ago. I started wearing glasses when I was 10 years of age. First I only needed my glasses at school, after a while I needed my glasses continuously. When I was 16 I got contact lensen. I really liked wearing them. It was much better than those glasses. Then one day I got pink eye. That was the last day I could ever wear lenses. I've tried wearing my contacts many times, I even got different ones to try but my eyes just hurted when I worn lenses. I didn't wanted to go back to my glasses so I decided to lasik laser my eyes. Which I did, three years ago. Everything went well and I haven't worn glasses or contacts ever since.

22. Do you have any piercings?
I have four earpiercings, a helix piercing, and I have had a tragus piercing.

23. Any tattoos?
No, but I do want one some time to remember important people in my life, important life lessons or traumatic things I've been through in the past.

24. What is your favorite food and drink?
I love Mexican, Italian and Spanish food. I could eat wraps, taco's, paella, tapas, lasagna and pasta's every single day. I also couldn't live without french fries. Favorite drink would be black currant drink.

25. What is your favorite icecream?
Any Ben & Jerry's! My favorites flavors are Cookie Dough, New York Super Fudge Chunk and Strawberry Cheesecake.

26. What would be on your pizza?
I don't know if this all together would taste good but the things I like on my pizza are pineapple, mozzarella, young cheese and tomato sauce. If my pizza would have a name, it would be something like Veggie Hawaii Mozzarella Margaritha, Haha.

27. Favorite perfume?
Miss Dior Cherie, Amor Amor from Cacharel and La Petit Robe Noire from Guerlain.

28. Favorite part of your own body?
My eyes because they're not too small or too big, I like the shape of my eyes. I'm very satisfied with the iriscolor(s). My lashes are okay, my bottomlashes are pretty long. My lid, crease and eyebrows are in proportion.

29. Favorite season?
Spring and summer. I love the warm weather, the sun, the butterflies flying around, pretty flowers, the beach, short breezy clothing, sunglasses, swimming, tanning, summer vacation, the sound of birds twitter, bright colors all around, happy people.. everything! If I look at my wardrobe I hink more than 75% of my clothing is meant for spring and the summer season.

30. Favorite tv-show?
I'm addicted to American Horror Story!

31. What is your latest purchase?
A t-shirt from Cry Baby at Ebay.

32. What did you do this morning at 8 PM?
I was still asleep around that time.

33. What are you going to do today?
I could sleep in this morning, so I did. Then I went to school. When I arrived at school I found out that they cancelled my two classes. So I distribute some cupcakes I made, then I had a good talk with my friends at school, something happend after which I'm not going to talk about, haha, it's kinda embarassing but whatever. Now I'm going to prepare for dinner. My grandma is coming over and we're going to gourmet. Then a friend is coming over to do each others makeup, then we're going to pick up a friend to go out!

34. Who do you miss?.
I miss a lot of things. I miss a guy in my life whom I can share my life with. I miss the good things in life. I miss my friends. I miss a lot of time for school. I miss babysitting.

35. What do you expect to reach in 10 years?
I want to be a great parttime teachter. I want to have a wonderfull husband, children and a house of our own.

36. What were your thoughts wen waking up this morning?
"He, dad texted me!"

37. Where are you when typing this?
Behind my desktop computer, in the living room.

38. How does you daily life look like?
Depends on which day it is, every day is different. If I go to school it's:
- Waking up and getting ready for the day
- Eating breakfast
- Drive to school
- College
- Drive back to school
- Do homework
- Eat diner
- Do homework or go to the gym for some Zumba
- Watch some tv
- Go to bed

39. What do you want right now?
A whole bunch of presents, just for me, because it's my brithday.

40. What do you want to accomplish in 2013?
I want to finish my third year of college and start my fourth and last year all fresh.

The questions:
1. What is your date of birth?
2. Where were you born?
3. Do you have any siblings?
4. How tall are you/what is your height?
5. What is your natural hair color?
6. Eye color?
7. Single or relationship?
8. Guy/Girlcrush:
9. Do you have your driving license?
10. What are your hobbies?
11. Describe yourself in three words.
12. What are you afraid of?
13. Are you a morning or evening person?
14. Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
15. Are you organised or sloppy?
16. Healthfreak?
17. Would you say your shy?
18. Would you ever want to have kids?
19. Do you ever want to get married?
20. What is your goal in life?
21. Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?
22. Do you have any piercings?
23. Any tattoos?
24. What is your favorite food and drink?
25. What is your favorite icecream?
26. What would be on your pizza?
27. Favorite perfume?
28. Favorite part of your own body?
29. Favorite season?
30. Favorite tv-show?
31. What is your latest purchase?
32. What did you do this morning at 8 PM?
33. What do you want to see at this moment?
34. Who do you miss?
35. What do you expect to reach in 10 years?
36. What were your thoughts wen waking up this morning?
37. Where are you when typing this?
38. How does you daily life look like?
39. What do you want right now?
40. What do you want to accomplish in 2013?


  1. It was great getting to know you .... happy birthday!!!! Ill have to do this post sometime next week! Thanks have a great day doll!

  2. hi. i'm following the "aloha friday" blog hop. i would love for you to visit my blog and follow if you like it.

    new follower bev
    ps happy birthday

  3. Leuke vragenlijst! Misschien een paar vragen kopiëren naar m'n eigen blog... Wat studeer je precies, if you don't mind me asking ^^


    Ruby H.
